Foto by Daniel Zeppelzauer

Foto by Daniel Zeppelzauer

 Today I opened up WSJ and read an article on Chief Executive Marissa Mayer’s performance at Yahoo this past year. Share price has risen to more than 70%, 17 tech startups were acquired and morale has improved in both the engineering and product departments. Mayer joined Yahoo when she was 6 months pregnant. Conclusion? Marissa is a fearless leader. A woman who is willing to take big risks.

A woman who chose to ignore rude questions and accusatory remarks about shortchanging both her job and child. It’s no surprise to me that Yahoo now offers up to 16 weeks paid leave for new mothers (doubling that of the past), and an 8-week sabbatical for every five years of tenure with the company. It’s small changes like this that can have a long lasting impact for future families and working moms. However, despite Mayer’s ability to make things better for her employees, her quick return to work after the birth of her child struck a chord of discontent among many. Which leads me to the discussion that takes place in Sheryl Sandberg’s new book Lean In.

For full article visit Berlin Geekettes